Sunday, March 9, 2008

Zanpa Cape Park

Here's a video from the cliffs at Zanpa Cape Park (about thirty minutes north and west from Okinawa City).

I have to apologize for the sound (it was crazy windy) and I took these videos not so much to show you the beauty of Okinawa as much as to show what my cell phone can do (take video clips!)

Here's another, from the top of the light house at Zanpa Cape Park (it's only 200 yen to go up there and it's really something else):

I took these using my cellphone, a Panasonic P905i. These are available from DoCoMo and they are totally awesome. These clips are short probably because I'm not using an SD card which would give me upwards of 6 gigs of memory plus whatever memory it has now (I've got probably 50 photos and another video clip on their right now).

1 comment:

Jen aka Evilynmo said...

I want a kick ass video camera phone. SO cool!!