Saturday, March 15, 2008

Instant Coffee in Okinawa

As I've mentioned before, I love coffee and I have been really tickled that coffee is so readily available here in Okinawa. It's in the vending machines (one in the neighborhood in front of my apartment) both hot and cold, it's in the restaurants; there's even Starbucks! The "American Village," just like in America, has something like 3 Starbucks all within a two minute walk of each other!

In my office we have a reserve of instant coffee, but it's not Sanka, it's Blendy:

Blendy comes in these little tea bag-looking things, and I thought, at first, that's all I did: let the bag steep. But then I looked at the above directions and realized, no; this is way cooler than that.

Here's the bag. You pull this tab (one on each side) and it makes little wings:

The "wings" hang on either side of your mug, and you rip the top of the bag off:

Now it's time to take your cup and bag over to the hot water maker:

Put some hot water in and let nature take it's caffeinated course:


1 comment:

Josh said...


I am am in real need of some good old Okinawa coffee!! Where can I get a couple of cases of the georgia brand iced coffee? I also enjoyed the Black Boss brand while I was there at Camp Hansen from 2001-2002. Can you help a fellow coffee lover?

