Tuesday, August 19, 2008

ぜんざい Zenzai!!!!

Zenzai is not an esoteric branch of Buddhism, it does not require you to contemplate a koan.

It simply requires that you enjoy the coolness that this Okinawan desert offers to beat the heat. But, I'm going describe something that you're going to think is repulsive. After moving here I realized that I know next to nothing about Japanese cuisine (even less about the rest of East Asian food) and maybe I understand why now: were you to write an article about it, no one in America would eat it.

Hell, look at sushi. I work with gaijin that, although they live here, refuse to eat sushi, because it's raw. I can't believe it.

Anyhow, this summer I've picked up another research project: finding the most delicious zenzai on the island. I'll let you know who the winner is later in the year.

So what is zenzai? Take a look:

Okinawan zenzai is made from shaved ice, little balls of mochi (which is a really sweet rice ball-type-cake), sometimes condensed milk (so sweet and yummy), and kidney beans that have been stewed in a sweet syrup.

I hadja until then, huh?
"Sweet kidney beans? Don't we make spicy chili in a tomato sauce out of kidney beans?"
Yeah, but you'll just have to trust me that zenzai is awesome. Below is my favorite zenzai recipe so far, from Blue Dog Cafe in Takahara, it features a coffee/cocoa base. Yummadumdum!


megan saltzman said...

and look at the kirei bowl, plate, and spoon. if only those were edible too!

Gado-Gado Gal said...

Paul, are they kidney beans, or azuki (red) beans? Thanks!

Unknown said...

@Gado-Gado Gal: If I'm not mistaken these are azuki beans, although I s'pose you could use kidney beans as well. Azuki probably is a better choice though because they're not so big, but this depends on how large your ice shavings are.